
在建行, we’re leveraging our more than 100 years of success as community bankers to drive our success as community builders. We’re committed to providing you with the tools and resources to help make our communities even better places to live AND work.

On this page you’ll find helpful banking news and information along with stories about some of the amazing community projects we are involved in. 请经常回来查看,因为我们一直在添加更多内容! 



假期似乎还很遥远, 但现在是九月中旬, it’s the perfect time to start planning and saving for the upcoming shopping rush. 有一个小策略, you can reduce stress and make the most of the festive season without breaking the bank. 在建行,我们相信赋予你权力……




Dear CCB Customers,  You may have recently noticed some exciting changes at your local CCB branch. 作为我们品牌重塑的一部分, CCB is updating the exteriors of our buildings to better reflect our modern identity while maintaining our tradition of community-focused service, 体现在我们的座右铭, “社区的价值.“尽管面貌焕然一新,建行……”




In the dynamic landscape of small business, having the right financial partner is crucial. 在建行, we’re more than just a bank; we’re a dedicated ally committed to helping your business grow and thrive. 120多年来, 建行深深扎根于我们所服务的社区, providing personalized service and innovative financial solutions […]


How to Keep Your Information Safe: Understanding Spoofed Phone Calls and Protecting Yourself- Tips and Information from your CCB team


In today’s digital age, protecting your personal information has never been more critical. 犯罪分子正变得越来越老练, employing tactics such as spoofed phone calls to steal sensitive data. 在建行, our teams work diligently to safeguard your information and help you stay protected. 以下是你需要知道的关于欺骗电话,如何[…]




秋天是纽约西部美丽的季节, 但这也给房主带来了一系列新的挑战. Preparing your home for the colder months not only ensures comfort but can also enhance its value and curb appeal. Here are some key fall improvement tips and information on how CCB can help support […]




作为当地的企业主, choosing the right bank for your deposit accounts is crucial for managing your finances efficiently and ensuring the success of your business. 在建行, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that our local businesses face. Today, we want to share with you why CCB, as your independent, locally-owned and […]


Why Banking Locally with CCB can be the Best Choice for Your Financial Needs


Choosing the right bank can make a big difference in your financial wellbeing. 而大, out-of-town banks might seem appealing with their widespread presence, independent local banks like CCB can offer unique benefits that make them a smart choice. 在建行, we’ve been locally owned and operated since 1902, and pride ourselves on being “Where […]




随着夏天的结束, it’s a perfect time to create lasting memories and get ready for the school year. Here are some tips from CCB to help you make the most of this season while preparing financially for what’s ahead. 1. 享受夏天的最后几天2. 准备《菠菜体育官网》. 管理[…]


准备好买你的第一套房子了吗? Let CCB Help You With Our Free First-Time Homebuyers’ Seminar on August 8!


在建行, we believe that homeownership is a milestone worth celebrating. Whether you’re dreaming of owning your first home or looking to upgrade, this is the perfect time to take steps toward making that dream a reality. Here are some essential tips to help you determine if you’re ready to buy a house and how […]


Turn Your Summer Vacation Spot Into a Yearly Retreat with CCB’s 季节性物业按揭


你最喜欢的夏季度假地点有某种魔力. 不管是湖边舒适的小屋, 迷人的海滨别墅, 或者一个宁静的山地滑雪胜地, 这些地方在你心中占有特殊的位置. Imagine turning that beloved getaway into a spot you can return to year after year. 在建行,我们可以……
